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horse behavoir, equine muscles, horse bodywork toowoomba

Is your horse reaching its potential?
Hands for Horses works with all horses to achieve optimum wellbeing, and performance.

Your horse will move with ease and perform to the best of its ability when the body is in balance. 
As a Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner and qualified Emmett For Horses Practitioner, Todd provides a rare and holistic approach to working with horses.

“I am deeply privileged to offer these services, and after a lifetime of working with horses, I believe that I have finally found the key to unlocking the horse's ability to release tension, improve range of movement, and regain balance.” Todd James

If you are ready to witness a transformation in your horse, book a session with Todd now.

Hands For Horses can help if your horse is showing these signs:

  • Reduced flexibility

  • Behaviour issues

  • Performance issues

  • Lacking core muscle engagement

  • Girthy

  • Excess tail swishing

  • Uneven strides

  • High head carriage

  • Tail to one side

  • Lack of poll flexion

  • Head shy

  • Stiffness

  • Hock or Stifle issues

  • SI issues

  • TMJ problems


A tailored session with Hands For Horses treats the whole body by working with the horse - not on it.

It is an honour to report that the horses I treat show:

  • Increased flexibility, suppleness and range of movement

  • Improved joint mobility

  • Reduced muscular pain and tension

  • Uncover primary issues of pain or soreness

  • Improved post-competition recovery

  • Improved posture

  • Improved circulation and cellular activity including increased lymph flow

  • Mobilisation of the fascia

About Hands For Horses  

Masterson Method Toowoomba

Fully Qualified Masterson Method Practitioner

"Having horses is one of my greatest joys in life." I was lucky enough to grow up on a large cattle property in Central Queensland which surrounded me with many different animals including a large number of horses. I witnessed the old way of ‘breaking’ horses, as it was done in the ‘good ole’ days’ but I knew from a very young age that there had to be an easier way. I intuitively knew that there had to be a way to build trust and connection with these incredible animals, and the many broken bones certainly helped me to question the way it was done! I was always curious to learn how horses moved and responded to each other in their natural environment without human interference, and questioned whether we could use the same approach when building a connection with them. I know now that approaching horses in a way where they get to communicate and have their say allows them time to think before reacting and enriches the relationship we have with them. “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Victor E. Frankl. I believe this applies to horses too. Without time between stimulus and response they will revert to their flight and brace instinct rather than growth and freedom. After finishing school, I spent many years training horses of all types, disciplines and behaviours and I sought out many extraordinary mentors throughout my equine journey (horses and humans) across Australia, Canada and the United States. My continuing curiosity into the horse's body and how tension in muscles affects different movements led me into the realm of equine bodywork. I was seeking for a whole-body approach to bodywork that actually gave lasting results and when I discovered the Masterson Method®, I finally found the key to unlocking the horses's ability to release tension, improve range of movement and regain balance. It is a great honour for me to be one of few MMCPs (Masterson Method Certified Practioner) in Australia as well as a qualified Emmett For Horses Practitioner. Both qualifications have allowed me to witness amazing transformations in horses and their riders, moving from frustration and despair to relief and joy as mobility and balance are restored, enhancing the bond between them and improving their performance.

About Masterson Method®

Are you new to the Masterson Method®? It is an incredible modality grounded in the work of Jim Masterson who developed an holistic approach to equine care. What sets The Masterson Method® apart is the interactive, gentle yet effective way it addresses the complex web of discomfort and tension throughout a horse’s body. This method allows the practitioner to identify tension with the help of the horse and alleviate pain and restricted areas in a non-invasive manner, treating the entire body and restoring balance and movement. This approach acknowledges the intricate connections within the horse's body. It uses the responses of the horse to find and release tension and works with the horse's nervous system. The horse actively participates in the process. This participation and interaction allow the horse to build trust and be part of the release process. It also works very well alongside other methods of bodywork including PEMF, red light therapy, and massage that your horse may be receiving. To learn more about Jim Masterson and his fabulous method, visit or click on the Masterson Method® logo above.

Prices and Packages

Prices and Packages

Full Body Maintenance-
$130 +GST

Price is for monthly sessions

 Sessions involve:

  • pre session assessment

  • 75 - 120min full body treatment

  • detailed post session report


  • travel to and from location

  • $10 discount on multiple horses (per horse, booked on the same day, same location)

Initial Full Body Session-

$140 +GST

The session involves:

  • pre-session assessment

  • 75 - 120 min full body treatment

  • detailed post session report


  • travel to and from location

  • $10 discount on multiple horses (per horse, booked on the same day, same location)







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Hands For Horses- Bodywork For Peak Performance

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